cerita ibarat bahasa Inggris
- cerita: account on; narrative; story; tale; yarn;
- ibarat: figurative; allegory; metaphor; like; apologue;
- cerita ibarat si buta: the blind leading the blind
- ibarat: figurative; allegory; metaphor; like; apologue; simile; parable; aphorism; nonliteral; analogy; also; fable
- cerita: account on; narrative; story; tale; yarn; recital; interpretation; prevarication; taradiddle; tell story; account; fib; tell; hank; version; history; reading; chronicle; report; fiction; lie; narrat
- cerita dalam cerita: story within a story
- cerita-cerita tentang . ini: these stories of
- alur cerita: plot
- arc cerita: story arc
- arka cerita: story arc
- buku cerita: storybook
- cerita berbingkai: frame story
- cerita bergambar: comic strip
- cerita bersambung: serial
- cerita bible: bible story